Sunday, 17 June 2007

(Thoughts) About seeing things in proper perspective...

(Thoughts) About seeing things in proper perspective...

Hi all,

Today's sharing just more or less an opinion I have on the manner of which we view things, and how all this can possibly change if we desire, and yes by choice...

You know how we always talk about how different people view things? Oh yeah some view things negatively, and all that negativity has a play on their mind and the way they approach things, becoming overly cautious to the point of paralysis, that the very act that is required of the person is not fulfilled.

Yet some talk about the view toward a matter positively, talking about the power of the mind, how positive thinking is the way to view things, to always have hope, always remember that a time we fail(or fall) is another opportunity for learning, never give up – things like that. They profess of how the manner of thinking helps them achieve success in today's society, through the very virtues of perseverance, learning from previous mistakes(of your own and of others), as well as learning how to pick and up utilise given opportunities.

So you may be thinking now, “Oh yeah Jon that's what we've been taught so frequently, both in a non-Christian context and even in a Christian context, most of the time. So shouldn't it be right?”

And no I'm not here to slam certain perspective of things as being perfectly “right” or “wrong”, because even I myself truly do not know, and I only know as much as I have learnt, in comparing what I have grasped in one hand - the knowledge as from the world, to the other hand – the knowledge and truth as we believe from the bible.

Actually what I'm just bringing to view here is just something actually quite obvious, but I just wonder why little people talk about it or practise it actually. That of learning to view things as they are, in truth – not so much whether it be positive or negative. And actually the fact is the popular and conventional views of positive and negative views about things are only differentiated(to matter to people) to the point of only whether firstly the task is accomplished at all, and whether it is accomplished well.

So that is the manner I've learnt to view things, in impartiality. And actually if you've been practising living your life as a whole, you'll also realise that this very manner of perspectives can also be taken unto the manner in which you view people as well, seeing them as they truly are, and form there learning to accept each individual as they truly are – being unassuming. And it is my sincere belief that only when we learn to see another as who they really are, then we can know how best to love them and meet their very needs - that only God knows best and they know second best. But lets return to viewing things as they really are, what I have experienced is that from doing so we recognise the reality of things, and can best train ourselves to respond to the different changes to matters, most specifically and more accurately. And to the aspect of what drives you, where you may place your hope and confidence, if the “living life as a whole principle” is kept, we will expect this to be realistic as well.

And yeah it is my belief also that as Christians when we say we believe in the Word of God as written in the bible, it also means that we belief that it is truth that is written. And believing that it is truth that is written also means this, that if we have really learnt to appreciate the truth as given to us, we will also be able to discern that which is right, and that which is wrong – the basic purpose of truth(or the law). So yeah I do think that it is the role of Christians in today's society, to differentiate what is right and wrong – that which result in consequences that is good or bad upon another. And as we know the truth better, we also differentiate better.

Yeah I'm quite tired for the night I guess, so perhaps I'll elaborate on things on another time. But in summary, what I've proposed is perhaps another view, to learn to see things more objectively, in truth – in learning to appreciate a matter for its very being. And in seeing things realistically we also learn to react realistically, and know our boundaries and limitations(individually) – not over expecting or under expecting in various situations. I also have talked about learning to check where your hopes and confidences actually lie – and are these placed on firm foundations?(are they actually realistic as well?) Perhaps then we learn to be more clear on the issues that really bug us, and that which is just set up in our minds by inappropriate perspectives.

Thank you for taking your time to read, and yeah as I mentioned from day 1, always welcoming feedback on how I can make things clearer, or the issues I should talk about. Thanks and may God bless your week ahead.

In His love,

Some Biblical References:
“17But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”
- James 3:17

“2Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.”
- 2 Corinthians 4:2

“6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
- John 14:6

“30 I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws.”
- Psalms 119:30

“23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.

24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.”
- Psalms 139:23-24

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