(Thoughts) The Widow's 2 coins...
Today's reflections will be based on a lesson taken from the bible, about a widow going up to the temple courts to present an offering of seemingly small amount, and yet Jesus calling to the attention of the disciples that in fact the poor widow had given more than the rich people.
Biblical References used:
Mark 12:41-44
“41Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins,worth only a fraction of a penny.
43Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything-all she had to live on.”
1 Samuel 16:7b
“The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
2 Corinthians 8:12
“12For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.”
There is so much to be treasured in this short passage, Mark 12:41-44. As we can see from the passage, giving an offering at the temple is an action expected of the Jews of that time. It is a stipulated law, serving as an acknowledgement to them that truly whatever they possessed were in fact given by God. And to cultivate a heart of thanksgiving, they give back a portion of what they possess with a heart of gratitude(that they can muster).
The most important point that I inferred out of this passage is this, that the LORD our God is the Most High, and indeed His thoughts are above our thoughts and His ways above our ways. God does not see things in the manner that we man see it, as He sees things as they truly are – God looks at the heart, and a sincere and willing heart is what pleases Him. (1 Samuel 16:7b, 2 Corinthians 8:12)
Why do I conclude that the LORD sees beyond that of the appearance, but rather at the heart of a man? Let us compare the 2 main characters of this passage that Jesus spoke of to his disciples, the rich man(people) and the poor widow. The rich man gave an offering far more than the most, and definitely if he were to be seen by others in this act of generosity, he will be applauded for it, given a reputation of being philanthropic, and honoured among men for how much he seemingly loves God.
Yet what about the poor widow who gave the seemingly meagre offering of 2 very small copper coins? Would she have been congratulated and praised by the people in the courts who has seen this act? Would she have been given the same honor that probably was given to the rich man? I would like to suggest that to all these questions that I proposed, the answer is likely to be a “no”. Why so? Firstly, for the very fact that she was poor and a widow, she was likely to have been regarded as a “lower classed” citizen. Secondly, her offering of the 2 copper coins was pittance as compared to the offering that was given by others.
However, what was Jesus' response to the poor widow's offering? Jesus mentioned that the widow gave MORE than all the others, and for the very reason that she gave all that she had to live on – she gave from her poverty, yet the others gave from their riches.
From this very point raised by Jesus, I feel that that God has revealed to us some understanding on what pleases him - which is truly a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving unto Him. This heart of thanksgiving I would suggest that the widow displayed when she gave all that she had, for that was the best she knew she could bring before God.
The second thing I will suggest is that the LORD also desires that we learn to come before Him with a willing heart, in the offering that we bring - which was once again displayed by the widow in this total willingness of heart in her giving of her offering. She gave all that she had, and the Lord Jesus knew, and hence praised her act in the presence of the disciples, saying that she gave more than all the others.
What can we learn out of this? In fact, this lesson on offering can apply to far more than just monetary offering that we bring to church, but unto other areas of our lives. The LORD has graciously given many of us much resources in our lives, such as time, money, possessions, property, love, encouraging words, loving acts, innovative ideas, and much more than i can mention. In all these things we are but stewards and we should learn to be faithful in how we use these resources, in a manner that should bless others and bring honor and glory to the name of God.
And in fact, in giving unto the LORD and unto others through that which we undertake in a manner of love, we need not worry if what we are giving seems so meagre, so worthless. Usually this mindset of “unworthiness” of our offerings come when we make comparisons to others. But what we are told, and we should remember, is that the LORD is pleased when you bring unto Him even that small gift that you have. For what is a large offering and what is a small one? Is the God of the universe and the heavens in need of it at all? Of course not, and hence in this aspect we need not be disheartened, but be encouraged that the LORD is pleased when you come to Him in gratitude, and you seek His presence, when you share His love with others.
I would to end with a disclaimer as well, that although i mention that the LORD looks at the heart, and the amount which one brings to Him is seemingly unimportant, if one is able to come with a heart that is thankful for all that He has done and given to us. Some may take this as a convenient excuse to skip offering altogether, going by the familiar phrase “it's the thought that counts”. Hence I must forewarn by repeating that once again although the attitude of the heart(thanksgiving) is of foremost importance, the actions that result from this(an offering of a certain amount) is important as well – for the very reason that it reflects to yourself the condition of the heart and hence is a step in cultivating a grateful heart.
I hope you guys will benefit from this post, take care and God bless~
In His love,
Thursday, 24 May 2007
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